
mjGallery Examples

Example 1 — Basic Gallery

var example1 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example1__link" //items with source (with href or data-mjg-src attribute)

Example 2 — Random Images (non-gallery mode)

var example2 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example2__link", //items with source (with href or data-mjg-src attribute)
    gallery: false, //images will not be grouped to gallery
    zoomBtn: false, //zoom button will be hidden
    fullscreenBtn: false, //fullscreen button will be hidden
    info: false //info will be hidden, but can be turned on (infoBtn is not set to false), if there is something to show (see itam #5)

Example 3 — Gallery Openable By Button

Open Gallery From Third Image

var example3 = new mjGallery({
    openBy: ".example3__button", //button for opening the gallery
    fullSize: true, //items can be as big as window
    cover: window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight, //items will cover the whole view/window (on landscape)
    maxWidth: "calc(100% - 20px)", //10px border around
    maxHeight: "calc(100% - 20px)", //10px border around
    title: ".title", //selector for title (not necesary — it will be detected automatically, because it has "title" in class attribute)
    description: function () { //generates description
        return this.getSrc();

//use cover only on landscape
$(window).on("orientationchange", function () {
        cover: window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight
    }, true); //true = merge options

Example 4 — Iframe


var example4 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example4__button", //items with source (with href or data-mjg-src attribute)
    counter: false, //current position and total count of items will be hidden
    info: false //info will be hidden, but can be turned on (infoBtn is not set to false), if there is something to show

Example 5 — YouTube & Vimeo

YouTube — Short URL

var example5 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example5__button" //items with source (with href or data-mjg-src attribute)

Example 6 — HTML5 Video

A markup for the video must be provided in the document. The <video> will be selected according to the data-mg-src="selector" attribute.

var example6 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example6__button", //items with source (with data-mjg-src attribute)
    autoplay: true //videos will be played automatically

Example 7 — HTML From The Document

var example7 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example7__button" //items with source (with data-mjg-src attribute)

Example 8 — Generated HTML

var example8 = new mjGallery({
    selector: ".example8__button", //items
    html: function (done, item) { //generates the html content

        var req = $.get("api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Prague&units=metric&APPID=699e0132d2f7e3fea7a91128af7959e1");

        req.done(function (result) {

            var template = "<h1 class=\"example8__weather\"><div>Prague</div> <div>" + result.main.temp.toFixed(1) + " °C</div> <div>" + result.weather[0].description + "</div></h1>",

                sunrise = new Date(result.sys.sunrise),
                sunset = new Date(result.sys.sunset);

            item.setTitle("Weather In Prague")
                    .setDescription("Sunrise: " + sunrise.toLocaleTimeString() + "; Sunset: " + sunset.toLocaleTimeString() + ";");

            done(template); //function done must be called with html content (selectable with jQuery or jQuery object)
    counter: false //current position and total count of items will be hidden


The default behavior on some events can be prevented by returning false or by calling preventDefault() on event object.

When mjGallery is constructing. The default behavior can be prevented.
When mjGallery is initialized.
When mjGallery is opened, but before the animation is done.
Before mjGallery is opened. The default behavior can be prevented.
Before the first opening of mjGallery. The default behavior can be prevented.
When mjGallery is opened and the animation is done.
When mjGallery is closed, but before the animation is done.
Before mjGallery is closed. The default behavior can be prevented.
When mjGallery is closed and the animation is done.
When current item is changed by user interaction (or by calling next or prev method), but before the animation is done.
Before current item is changed by user interaction (or by calling next or prev method). The default behavior can be prevented.
When current item is changed by user interaction (or by calling next or prev method) and the animation is done.
When current item is changed.
Before mjGallery is destroyed. The default behavior can be prevented.
After mjGallery is destroyed.
Before mjGallery is refreshed. The default behavior can be prevented.
After mjGallery is refreshed.
When item is loaded.
When YouTube video is ready to play. The default behavior (autoplay) can be prevented.
When Vimeo video is ready to play. The default behavior (autoplay) can be prevented.
When HTML5 video is ready to play. The default behavior (autoplay) can be prevented.
When the default behavior of an event (scroll, mousemove, …) will be prevented. If this event (event) is prevented, the original event won't be used.
When item is zoomed in or out.
When window is resized.